Stuart A. Hadfield
Quantum Mechanic

Email: stuartah (at) cs (dot) columbia (dot) edu
Research: google scholar, arxiv, orcid, research gate, web of science
Social: linkedIn, twitter

About Me

I am a Quantum Scientist with the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) at NASA Ames Research Center.

Previously I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University, working in quantum computing.
My Ph.D. dissertation "Quantum Algorithms for Scientific Computing and Approximate Optimization" is freely available on the arxiv.

Scientific Research

I work on the design and analysis of quantum algorithms, with applications to problems in physics, chemistry, and engineering.

In particular the ability of quantum computers to provide practical and theoretical advantages for the simulation of physical systems and for effectively solving hard optimization problems.

A complete list of my research publications and preprints can be found here.


I am broadly interested in deep questions across science and engineering, and how technology can maximize human flourishing.

I am a founding member of the Q4Climate initiative.

In a past life I was a rock star.